Grow Studios was one of the first of the studio complexes in the Hackney Wick area, long before it even had the name of Grow Studios. With humble beginnings in 2007, it was founded by two locals living and working in the area at the time. The basic premise was to make space for artists/maker friends in which units could be customised to meet their needs and most importantly, be affordable. The studios were borne out of a DIY self-organising and circular economy ethos to create useful and sustainable spaces for its tenants. Find out more.


The founders have continued their commitment to affordability and though the rent for the buildings has significantly increased since they took the project on on 2007, where possibly, the rent continues to be competitive in the area and they seek to work together with all their studio holders so the ecosystem can continue to financially sustainable.


Together with, Grow (the creative space), the studios have hosted outdoor markets, Hackney WickED Open Studios & V&A Late where studio holders highlight and sell their work. Studio holders get discounts and offers at the bar and kitchen at Grow and are invited to free community events.

(c) V&A Lates 25 October 2019. Photos by Graham Turner@theycallme_gt

(c) V&A Lates 25 October 2019. Photos by Graham Turner@theycallme_gt

Studio holders, including wood workers, DJs, producers and performers have held events at Grow; been commissioned to do work within the space (such as signage, building works) and Kompassion Kombucha (brewed in Grow Studios) is a key product sold at Grow’s cafe/bar.

Since the Covid-19 pandemic, we’ve been updating and advising studio holders with relevant Government announcements and funding/grant opportunities.


Street artist and muralist RUN at Grow Studios 2019

Street artist and muralist RUN at Grow Studios 2019

Since 2017, we’ve collaborated with local sustainable architectects Studio Bark by offering their U-Build as an eco-pod as a free artists-in-residents space. The pod has been adopted by visual artists Gareth Jones and Louise Loudoun, participatory art projects: ‘Women of the Wick’, ‘KUB’, ‘Common Unity’, and The Lab Community Radio and street artist and muralist RUN. For more information, please visit Grow’s Blog

Artist & Musician, Kandice Holmes took up residency for her project Common Unity in 2018

Artist & Musician, Kandice Holmes took up residency for her project Common Unity in 2018


Concerned about the impact of property development on the heritage and culture of the local area, the founders of Grow Studios and Grow and three other local enterprises started the Hackney Wick & Fish Island Community Development Trust  in 2017. The aim of this trust is securing ownership of buildings and spaces in the area for the benefit of the community.